
Explore Matmata and Douz - Full-Day Tour

  • 12 horas
  • Entrada impresa

Leaving the port of Ajim, cross the Djorf towards Douz. After a short stop in the town of Mareth, continue to the Berber village of Tamezret. From Douz, enjoy a ride on the back of a dromedary through the desert sand dunes or ride a quad bike (depending on the selected option).

Lunch will be served at the Meheri Hotel or similar.

In the afternoon, enjoy a visit to the lunar landscape featured in the famous "Star Wars" films.

Visit one of the troglodyte houses and return to the island via the old Roman road.


  • Nouvelle Matmata

  • Tatmezret

  • Douz

  • Matmatat-Al-Qadimal

  • Médenine.



  • Transport
  • Lunch
  • Guide

No incluye

  • Camel ride
  • Drinks

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