
Cretaceous Park: Footprints of the Dinosaurs - Private Tour

  • 2 horas

Transfer to Cal Orck'o quarry located 5 km from the city of Sucre, where you can appreciate great variety and quantity of prehistoric footprints of animals of different species, considered as the largest displays of dinosaur footprints in the world. Cal Orcko (from the Quechua voice Cal Urqu, 'Cerro de Cal') is a paleontological site of Bolivia, found in the quarry of a cement factory, near the city of Sucre, in the department of Chuquisaca. It is the site with the most important dinosaur footprints in the world, since it contains more than 5,000 tracks of 294 species of dinosaurs.

You will also be able to appreciate large replicas of these prehistoric animals.



  • Guide
  • Tickets
  • Meal
  • Transport

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